


It is easy to duplicate any of the methods to and modify them for new API endpoints.

The service requires a few dependencies, which must be installed. 
npm install axios json-bigint --save

// index.js
const Meraki = require('meraki-service');
const meraki = new Meraki('YourAPIKey','');

meraki.getOrganizations().then(res => {
    console.log('Organizations: ',;

$ Organizations:  [ { id: 549236, name: 'Meraki DevNet Sandbox' } ]


//const admins = require('./endpoints/admins');

const axios = require("axios");
const JSONbig = require("json-bigint")({ "storeAsString": true });

// Meraki Error Handler (parses the error message within responses)
function _handleError(e) {
  console.log("error in Meraki API call: ", e);
  if (e.message) { e = e.message }
  if (e.response) {
    if ( {
      // Meraki specific error message
      if ( {
        e =[0];
    } else {
      e = e.response;
  } else {
  return e;
 * # Meraki Service for the Cisco Meraki Dashboard API
 * A collection of functions and helpers to interact with the API. 

 * -- For use with NodeJS or frontend JavaScript applications.

 * Features: 
 * Collection of common Dashboard API calls
 * Handles URL redirects
 * Handles Meraki error messages
 * Custom scripts for common API traversals
 * @class
 * @module Meraki
class merakiService {

   * Initialize a Meraki API Service
   * @constructor
   * @param {string} apiKey - The Meraki API key
   * @param {string=} baseUrl - The base Meraki API URL. Uses default:``
   * @returns {}
  constructor(apiKey, baseUrl) {
    this._apiKey = process.env.API_KEY || apiKey;
    this._baseUrl = process.env.BASE_URL || baseUrl || '';
    this._data; // stores request data to handle redirects properly


  // *************
  // Intialize API 
  // *************

   * @private
  initMeraki() {
    this.meraki = axios.create({
      baseURL: this._baseUrl,
      maxRedirects: 0,
      headers: {
        'X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key': this._apiKey,
        'Content-Type': "application/json"


      config => {
        //console.log('config', config);
        //console.log('config.body', config.body);
        //console.log('config headers', config.headers)
        //console.log('config request', config.request)
        config.validateStatus = function (status) {
          return status == '308' || '307' || '302' || '301'; // do not throw error for redirects

        this._data = config.body; // cached request to handle redirects
        this._headers = config.headers; // cached request to handle redirects
        return config;

      res => {
        const data = this._data;
        const headers = this._headers;
        //console.log('Meraki Service res:', res.request.path, res.status);
        //console.log('Meraki Service response res.request', res.request);

        if ((res.status == '308' || '307' || '302' || '301') && res.headers.location) {
          var options = {
            url: res.headers.location,
            data: data,
            method: res.request.method,
            headers: headers,
          //console.log('options', options);
          return this.meraki(options).then((res) => {
            //console.log('redirect res', res);
            return res
        } else {
          //const data = this._data;
          return res;
      error => {
        return _handleError(error);


   * Getters & Setters for Global API Options
   * @module Meraki/Settings

  /* disabled. is this a security concern?
  get apiKey() {
    return this._apiKey;
  * set API key
  * @name set:apiKey
  * @memberof module:Meraki/Settings
  * @param {string} apiKey
  * @example <caption>Example Assignment</caption>
  const NEW_KEY = '2f301bccd61b6c642d250cd3f76e5eb66ebd170f';
  meraki.apiKey = NEW_KEY;

  meraki.getOrganizations().then(res => {
      console.log('Organizations: ',;
  * @example <caption>Example Response</caption>
  * Organizations:  [{"id":549236,"name":"Meraki DevNet Sandbox"}]
  set apiKey(apiKey) {
    this._apiKey = apiKey;

   * get current API base URL
   * @name get:baseUrl
   * @memberof module:Meraki/Settings
   * @return {string} - Meraki API FQDN ``
   * @example <caption>Example Request</caption>
    const meraki = new Meraki(API_KEY);
    var url = meraki.baseUrl;
    console.log('API Base URL: ', url);
    @example <caption>Example Response</caption>
    API Base URL:

  get baseUrl() {
    return this._baseUrl;

   * set API base URL
   * @name set:baseUrl
   * @memberof module:Meraki/Settings
   * @param {string} baseUrl - Meraki API FQDN `` or `https://myProxyServer/api`
   * @example <caption>Example Assignment</caption>
    const NEW_KEY = '2f301bccd61b6c642d250cd3f76e5eb66ebd170f';
    meraki.apiKey = NEW_KEY;

    meraki.getOrganizations().then(res => {
      console.log('Organizations: ',;
   * @example <caption>Example Response</caption> 
   * Organizations:  [{"id":549236,"name":"Meraki DevNet Sandbox"}]
  set baseUrl(baseUrl) {
    this._baseUrl = baseUrl;


// ****************
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// API Endpoints
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// ****************
Object.assign(merakiService.prototype, require('./endpoints/admins'));
Object.assign(merakiService.prototype, require('./endpoints/clients'));
Object.assign(merakiService.prototype, require('./endpoints/configTemplates'));
Object.assign(merakiService.prototype, require('./endpoints/devices'));
Object.assign(merakiService.prototype, require('./endpoints/groupPolicies'));
Object.assign(merakiService.prototype, require('./endpoints/mxCellularFirewallRules'));
Object.assign(merakiService.prototype, require('./endpoints/mxL3FirewallRules'));
Object.assign(merakiService.prototype, require('./endpoints/mxVPNFirewallRules'));
Object.assign(merakiService.prototype, require('./endpoints/mrL3FirewallRules'));
Object.assign(merakiService.prototype, require('./endpoints/networks'));
Object.assign(merakiService.prototype, require('./endpoints/organizations'));
Object.assign(merakiService.prototype, require('./endpoints/pii'));
Object.assign(merakiService.prototype, require('./endpoints/proxy'));
Object.assign(merakiService.prototype, require('./endpoints/saml'));
Object.assign(merakiService.prototype, require('./endpoints/ssids'));
Object.assign(merakiService.prototype, require('./endpoints/staticRoutes'));
Object.assign(merakiService.prototype, require('./endpoints/switchPorts'));
Object.assign(merakiService.prototype, require('./endpoints/vlans'));

// Custom API Scripts
Object.assign(merakiService.prototype, require('./endpoints/custom'));

module.exports = merakiService;